JCT Last Comment Date

JCT Last Comment Date advanced filter shows the last comment date of the issue

1.Select JCT Last Comment Date custom field from Advanced tab of the custom fields


2.Enter field name and click button create

3.Select the screen to be added

4. Below Last Comment Date is shown

5. From the Filters → Advanced Issue Count a JQL search can be performed



Field Type

Supported Operators




= , != , > , >= , < , <= IS , IS NOT , IN , NOT IN


Supported functions

Supported functions

When used with the EQUALS, NOT EQUALS, GREATER THAN, GREATER THAN EQUALS, LESS THAN or LESS THAN EQUALS operators, this field supports:

  • currentLogin()

  • lastLogin()

  • now()

  • startOfDay()

  • startOfWeek()

  • startOfMonth()

  • startOfYear()

  • endOfDay()

  • endOfWeek()

  • endOfMonth()

  • endOfYear()


Find issues that last comment date

''JCT Last Comment Date'' >= endOfDay("-7")