User Guide

User Guide


This plug-in allows you to do bulk label operations. With this plug-in, you can:

  • Add labels to multiple pages in a space 
  • Remove multiple labels from multiple pages at one time 
  • Replace labels
  • Merge similar labels
  • Search labels
  • Append labels to pages that have already labels
  • Bulk update space categories

As a space admin, you can perform all of the above operations; users can add and remove labels in batches. 

Confluence admins can configure label manager through Confluence administration and Label Manager section.

Invalid characters

A label name can’t contain white spaces and the following characters: !, #, &, (, ), *, ,,, ., <, >, ?, @, ^, .


  • Users can access label bulk operations from "Space Tools" menu and select the desired operation.
  • Space Admins can access label bulk operations from Space Admin.
  • Confluence admins update labels for multiple labels and bulk update Space Category Operations.

For Details